International Professional Association Bloggers and Digital Creators
Professional communication and exchange: experience, opinions, knowledge, information, technologies. Conducting discussions, round tables, online and offline discussions; involvement in projects.
Promoting personal and professional growth of Association members
The only International Professional Association Bloggers and Digital Creators.
Formation of a civilized digital market
Active participation in forming a civilized market of digital creative services, establishing mutual understanding between market participants, and resolving disputes and conflicts.
International Professional Association Bloggers and Digital Creators
Joint implementation and support in the implementation of socially significant projects. Support for the marketing education system. Support for marketing conferences.
Development of blogging and digital creators in Ukraine and abroad
The association's team consists exclusively of active members with the highest scientific status and experience in blogging and digital creators.

Doctors of science may also be members of the Scientific Council if they express their willingness to participate in its work.
Committees of the International Professional Association Bloggers and Digital Creators
Andrey Fedorchenko
President of the International Professional Association Bloggers and Digital Creators.
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing named after A.F. Pavlenko, State Higher Educational Institution “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”.
The team
Committee on promotion and work with the audience
Viktoriia Pylypenko
Iryna Shoturma
Influencers Committee
Strategy and Branding Committee
Olga Tyshchuk
Oleg Sinayuk
Content creation committee
Innovation Committee
Svitlana Kovalchyk
Alyona Tanasiychuk
Ethics and Copyright Committee
Information on the admission procedure, document processing, scientific council, charter and other documents
Charter of the Scientific Council International Professional Association Bloggers and Digital Creators
Regulations on the Scientific Council International Professional Association Bloggers and Digital Creators
Regulations on the Scientific Council
Rules of entry
How to join the "International Professional Association Bloggers and Digital Creators"
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